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If you have an older blog you probably have some ancient posts that are not really helping out your website but you don't want to delete them this is where archiving comes into play. Do you want...
How To Add JavaScript In WordPress? -DIY & JavaScript Plugin
There are times when you may need to add some JavaScript code to all your web pages or maybe just one specific post. Unfortunately WordPress does not allow this by default. This article covers how to...
If you have had a site around for a longtime then the question may arise on what is this thing called Wordpress and why should I use it. Even if you are just starting a blog you are probably...
So you have decided to use Wordpress for you website. You have definitely made the right choice. At first it may seem daunting but Wordpress (WP) is definitely much easier then most other Content...
How To Make A Page The Homepage In WordPress? (Quick & Easy)
Just like is the case with any powerful tool, WordPress also comes with its fair share of a learning curve. The option for changing a page to the homepage on your website isn’t conveniently placed...
How To Install Theme In WordPress? Quick and Easy (Beginner)
If you are a beginner starting up a website with WordPress it can be very frustrating. So you should try to make it as easy as possible especially since most all people won't be getting instant...