Hello my name is Tab Winner I have a degree in Information Technology with a concentration in Web Development. Which honestly doesn’t mean much in today’s world with the amount of page builders out there on the internet anybody can build a website by themselves. I made this website to provide people with helpful easy information to get things done by themselves on their website. You can get a website up for free or at least done very cheap.
I built my first website when I was around 14 years old using Microsoft Word it was a tribute site to the great Michael Air Jordan nothing special but since then I have always enjoyed building websites, coding and also writing (typing since my hand writing is terrible).
I quite my job in May 2016 to become a Full Time Entrepreneur or (Dadpreneur I guess you could call it). Been doing SEO specific site building since 2010 before that is was all hobby. I still have a handful of clients but I mostly work on my own stuff and do most of my writing for all my sites as well.
Right now I have a portfolio of 10 different sites that I manage for my own projects and five other sites I manage for clients of my SEO business.
This will save you money especially in the long run. Saving money upfront will help you invest in things you need for your website like content since that is what is ultimately needed to rank in Google. Good luck if you have any questions that you want answered send us an email. We are passionate about helping people and wish the best for everyone. Thank you for checking us out.
Outside of that the reason I went to work for myself is my now 3 year old daughter. I have been married for 7 years now. Bought an old family far we have 3 horses, 3 dogs, and a cat.
Thank you for checking us out.
Best Regards,
Tab Winner